Our team wants to find a way to filter out an aquatic system full of plastic microfibers. Plastic microfibers are smaller pieces of plastic that flow through our water system. There are actually plastic microfibers in our clothes and when we wash they go down the drain. The water that goes down the drain carries the fibers into the ocean, harming many animals. Many people eat fish and the fibers go through us humans being toxic to us.
Problem to Resolve
The plan we have is to make a filter able to remove the plastic microfibers from our water when we wash. We used a special filter, but we had to build a prototype to be able to hold the filter. We collected lint from our local laundromats if were able to find plastic. We used a bin to make a washer machine and placed a water pump. The tubing from the water pump went through the filter sock. In case of emergency, we added an overflow pipe to the sock.
Action Plan
About Our Project
We are Project Reservoir's Plastic Elastic 3.0. Our group consists of six girls that are engaged in the environment. The research that we have proceeded with has helped us improve our project along the way. We have been working on our project for a few months. The results found from our project have been very successful and we want to share it with everyone.
About Us

More Information
Our team wants to find a way to no longer have plastic microfibers in our aquatic systems. Everyone in the world drinks water or eats animals that live in the water. Plastic microfibers have recently been found in our clothes to be pollutants. When we wash our clothes the microfibers go down our drains and into the water systems. We chose this topic because as the water travels into our drains with microfibers, they’re harming the animals that filter the water for their food. When the animals are taking in these microfibers, we are as well since most of us consume fish from this food chain. These tiny pieces of plastic microfibers are now damaging not only to us, but everything around us as well. We are also losing a tremendous amount of plastic that we can recycle. Our plan is to try and eliminate these microfibers by creating a filter. A special filter connecting our washer to stop microfibers from entering our aquatic systems. Scientist Sarah Dudas from EarthFix stated that while she was dissecting a filter feeding oyster she discovered that there was plastic in it. This is proof that there is a massive amount of plastic in the water systems that was found in an animal. When accomplishing our goal of collecting plastic, we plan on reusing them for other important uses.

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We are Plastic Elastic 3.0
Camila Nunez, Gabriella Martinez, Albania Cruz, Karys Sunga, Ariana Sanchez, Sharon Calderon
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